Jeenu is my first child. He is about 7 1/2 years old at the time I am writing this post. He was born on August 28, 2005... for some reason I always want to say 2006!
Jeenu is his first name and Josef is half of his middle name. I call him Jeenu Josef because I like the ring it has. The meaning of his first name is derived from two Korean words, one is "jinlee" or "jirlee" which means Truth/Honesty... the other is "ooh-jung", which means close friendship or the bond of friendship... Something like that. The basic meaning behind his name is "and honest friend".
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Me and Jeenu (25% Korean/75% Black) |
Josef, his middle name was a tribute to Joseph from the old testament, who eventually became a high ranking official of Egypt despite his hardships. It is also in homage to my paternal grandfather "Papa Joe" whom I never met, though he knew I existed because he saw my mom pregnant with me the very year he died, and to my late uncle... my father's eldest brother whose middle name was Joseph. This man played a major role in shaping my confidence and building my self worth and love at a time when I was lost and depressed after losing my father soon after moving to America. He was a dear friend to me for years until he recently passed away from complications caused by cancer. I wanted my son to evoke some of his wisdom and strength as an intelligent, well rounded, caring black man with many accomplishments under his belt. I also felt Jeenu and my uncle would share a bond because I lived with my uncle the entire time I was pregnant with Jeenu and he took good care of me, talking to my belly so that Jeenu could hear his voice, bringing home healthy dinners to keep my gestational diabetes in check, taking me to doctors appointments, listening to me whine about my aching body parts...

Jeenu is an outgoing boy. He makes friends easily as he is not shy. He is silly and thinks he is funny. Sometimes he actually is. He is an artist, constantly drawing and creating paper characters which he cuts out and decorates the walls of his room with. He loves to talk. He loves to dance. He is taking an interest in instruments, banging away on the drums and keyboard. He fancies himself an actor, which prompted me to develop this talent by giving him a way to express his creativity through theatrical arts. Jeenu stars in his own You Tube show entitled: Fun With Jeenu
Jeenu seems to gain satisfaction from pleasing people, making them feel good, helping others and contributing to group efforts. He is always ready to help carry grocery bags from the car. He spends time with his little sister, showing her how to stack Legos and toss toys into a container to clean up. He sets the dinner table, straightens all the shoes in the hall (yes, we Koreans do not wear shoes in our homes), washes dishes and even offers to help me cook! He has amazing compassion for others and a powerful notion of justice (he will tell you right away if something seems unfair, and is usually right).
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Jeenu and Jahyu Jaxin |
He's got his quirks and flaws but in general, he is a great humble kid who is extremely well behaved and appropriately submissive. I cringe when I see kids his age rattling obscenities at their parents or kicking and hitting when they can't have their way. I have merely to speak my wishes to Jeenu and aside from the typical 7-year-old absent-mindedness, he is on point.
Although I was devastated at the news of carrying a boy during my pregnancy with Jeenu, when I held him for the first time... I was so grateful to have a boy as my first born. The reason for this was that I felt so vulnerable and weak after my horrible C-section and couldn't fathom the same pain experienced by a female child someday. I was so overwhelmed by the responsibility that was snuggled in my arms that I felt relief and a burden lifted when I thought about the independence and strength I could instill in a boy. I thought I would feel such pity for a girl, wanting to protect her from every ugly thing in the world. Yet holding Jeenu made me feel... stronger somehow. Like I could take on the world, knowing I had a future man on my team who'd lift me up when I felt weighed down... I really felt like... having a son made it easier to deal with the drama and stress in my life at that time. I could be strong so I could set an example for him. If he had been a girl... I probably would have lost my mind and just drowned in the post partum hormonal cloud I was battling.
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Jeenu Josef age 7 |
Jeenu really has been my rock over the years. I don't think he means to be. He has this timidity about him that makes you want to hug him all day and tell him you love him. It's probably due to his petite stature. Most people think he is 2 years younger than his actual age! But he is advanced in intelligence. He is able to understand such complex situations, emotions and topics that most second graders don't even daydream about. He drops bombs of wisdom on me at various unexpected junctures... sometimes, I find myself wondering if a bit of my uncle's spirit didn't really find its way into my son.
The best thing about this little boy is he makes it easy for me to talk about our cultural diversity with him. He is so open to learning new things and embraces his Korean background gladly. He is eager to learn the language, eat the food and participate in our traditions, he makes being Blasian super fun.
You'll be hearing more about this gem in my life. Thanks for reading! Please leave questions or comments below.
Be sure to Follow Jeenu on Twitter @funwithjeenu
Follow Me for updates on my blog @gypsiekoreana
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check out his beats on under "Catalogue" |